Tonight was the night that I finally understood how those 13 year old girls felt when The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show. You have seen the footage of the screaming and the tears and the hyperventilating. I will admit when THE KILLERS first took the stage some tears were shed, they were mostly just hormonal, but I was truly overwrought with excitement. But let me start from the beginning. As we approached the Patriot Center I spotted the Band's buses parked in the back. Of course, I made Scott take a detour so that we could scope out the buses. I got as close as possible when a friendly security guard gave me the smile and wave look that said not one more step. So, I headed back up the hill when I noticed a white hand sticking out of one of the windows. I crept back down the icy hill towards the buses to take a closer look and their he was Brandon himself (the lead singer). He flicked his hand in my direction, either waving at me or getting something nasty off his fingers but either way I was pumped. It was awesome! I snapped some pictures that didn't turn out before the security guard gave me a less friendly look and I scurried back up the hill.
Luckily, we arrived very early to the concert because when I am nervous and excited I tend to have to use the bathroom a lot, okay a total of 5 times in the hour prior to the concert. Afraid to miss anything I hurried a bit too much on one of these trips and dropped my ticket into the toilet and then tore my pants. No harm done, I gladly fished the ticket out of the toilet and pulled my shirt a little further down over my torn pants-it's dark at concerts anyway, right? Fortunately most of my normal body functions shut down due to overwhelming enthusiasm during the actual concert, so I was able to see it without any annoying interruptions.

The concert was incredible. The guys sounded amazing. They sang for two solid hours. We had front row seats and we were perched right next to where the band approached and entered the stage so we could see them before anyone else. That made me feel very special! I screamed and jumped, and danced really badly, and sang as loud as I could. I have no doubt that the evening was very unpleasant for those sitting near me, but this was my most anticipated night and I didn't really care! We were so close I am almost positive that Brandon and I made eye contact several times. Although he might have wanted to keep an eye on me because he saw me lurking around his tour bus earlier in the evening. Anyway, it was a great night only nearly marred by some psycho who jumped on the stage and had to be manhandled off again. I know what you are thinking, but it wasn't me.
This evening was probably as close as I will ever get to the stage of my ROCK STAR dreams, but for now I am satisfied. Goodbye for tonight, I must run and repent of my idol worshipping ways.