*Thanks to all who helped with our move! We owe you big time!
*So far the boys have survived the new pool. KNOCK ON WOOD! In fact, Scott is the only one who has accidentally fallen. The pool cover held his weight so we feel a lot safer when the boys play outside. Thanks for your spastic experiment honey, I sleep more soundly knowing our boys won't be falling ten feet into a concrete pit. Although we know Atley could probably survive. Please keep them in your prayers especially when summer comes, the pool cover comes off, and the pool is filled with water.
*The weather is still miserably cold. My how I miss Arizona in the winter, but the boys are enjoying the hot tub. Atley claims this is the new houses best feature by far.

*I thought when we moved that I would just remove Atley from preschool and we could just hang out and have fun together. What I did not realize is that when I signed him up for school I was actually selling his soul to the devil-well not really. I was just obligating myself to pay for the entire year whether he attends or not. So, I am now spending two hours in the car driving him to preschool and back because if I am paying for it, he is going to go! It is really lame. Today I was super tired and trying to hurry him up the stairs at his school. In the middle of the crowded hall he turns around and yells at me, "Sometimes I feel just like a piece of meat!" Everyone laughed. I turned red! Despite the fact that most of the mother's at the school think I am a terrible mother we had a great time at the Family Fun Night last week. The highlight was meeting Curious George.

*Never say never! Problems with our other car encouraged us to buy another one, a mini-van no less. I have mixed emotions about succumbing to the Mormon Mini-Van Movement. I swore I would never drive a mini-van and a few days after we bought it I felt a mini-mid-life crisis coming on, but it is so much easier getting the boys in and out and hauling their stuff around. I don't know why I didn't give in sooner. MINI-VANS are soooo COOL! I am just not very cool anymore!
*Nash is obsessed with being tickled. He likes his belly rubbed just like a puppy. In fact, the puppy similarities don't stop there-he also poops and pees on the floor like a dog too. After being tickled for quite sometime the other day he decided to return the favor and tickle my tummy. He lifted my shirt and got an unmistakeably disgusted look on his face. He exclaimed, "Oh, nasty. Mommy broken." Yes, Nash those are stretch marks and scars and you and Atley are primarily responsible for the nastiness. Thanks Buddy!

*Last but not least we made the trek up to Philadelphia to watch the BYU Cougars play against Texas A&M in the NCAA tournament. We were so excited. But, the excitement pretty much ended after our first cheese steak, because by then we were getting slaughtered. It was very sad. We looked so little and well, white! We didn't have a chance!