When I was about 8 years old I watched Elvis Presley's
Blue Hawaii at my Grandma Edgar's house. It is still my favorite movie of all time. Yeah, I am into cheesy and corny which is why my favorite television shows are
Leave it to Beaver and
I Love Lucy. When I was 25 we went to Memphis and visited Graceland, adding to my fascination with all things Elvis. It was at Graceland that I decided that for our 10th Anniversary Scott and I were going to renew our vows in the Elvis Chapel of Love in Las Vegas. I had this vision of Scott waiting for me at the end of the aisle wearing a white sequined jump suit and an Elvis toupee. Could you get any more sexy and romantic? Perhaps my fantasies are a bit odd to some, but what could be more exciting than pretending to be Elvis and Priscilla in Las Vegas and then I thought of it. What if we were actually in Hawaii where Chad and Maile (characters in Blue Hawaii) tied the knot. After all, the Elvis Priscilla thing didn't end well and as far as I know Chad and Maile are still together in the eternities. So, when Scott and I decided to forgo the Las Vegas Chapel of Love idea and head for Hawaii instead, I didn't feel like I was betraying Elvis or my dreams. After all the young Elvis who wears the little polyester short-shorts on the beach in Hawaii would be way cuter on Scott than the old Elvis who wears the Polyester Jump Suit.

I only wish I could find a swimming outfit like Maile's with the cute little matching swim cap and that modest mid thigh one-piece.
So, I bid you all farewell as I embark on my Hawaiian Anniversary Vacation and I encourage all of you to watch Blue Hawaii so that we can discuss its ever so intricate plot when I return. I also beseech you to pray for my children, rather their Granny, while we are away. Pray that she will not be taken completely over the edge by their boyish antics.