Actually, you could substitute just about anything in place of "warm weather" in the above equation and get the same outcome. The weekend was gorgeous and the boys spent most of their time outside. It was wonderful until Atley decided to climb a tree to talk to our neighbor over the fence. The branch he was standing on broke and when the bough breaks the Atley will fall. He landed on his left foot and let out a blood curdling scream. Honestly, my first thought was, "Oh, thank goodness he didn't land on his head again." I also remember Nash saying, "Oh crap mom, Atley broke his leg."
Anyway, I waited until Monday morning to take him to the doctor. Of course he couldn't put any weight on the foot so I had to carry him and try to keep track of Nash all while balancing the most enormous belly since the Octomom. At one point Nash wiggled away from my firmly grasped hand and bolted for the parking lot after which the 5 year old on my back exclaimed, "You better watch him better mom or he's gonna be at the doctor next because he got hit by a car." Thanks Atley!! First stop, pediatrician. He examined Atley and concluded that in his opinion two bones were broken in the foot but he would have to see a radiologist. He concluded by asking, "Any questions?" Nash replied by saying, "Can you please get the baby out of my momma now?" The doctor just laughed and started to leave when Nash stopped him by saying, "Hey, you forgot to give my brother a shot. He needs a hundred. He has been really bad."
Next stop, across town to the radiologist. Apparently, me carrying Atley and Atley getting so much attention was about all Nash could handle because he was horrible. He refused to get out of the car, so I was forced to carry both of them in a torrential rain storm while Nash screamed and kicked like a man possessed. We were quite a spectacle as we burst into the radiologist's office soaking wet and crying. Nash finally calmed down and asked for a drink. I gave him some water that he spilled. Then he had a tantrum and declared to the full waiting room that he wanted "hot coffee." The receptionist looked at me cross and said, "You have these twins and now your pregnant again. Lord bless you." I didn't have the courage to confess that the boys weren't twins. I was too embarrassed to comment at all. The nurse finally called Atley's name at which time Nash immediately began demanding that Atley get a hundred shots. The radiologist began asking Atley questions like what do you want to be when you grow up. Atley replied with, "I'm going to be the president." Radiologist: "Wow, are you going to give your brother a job." Atley: "Yeah, I'm gonna make him Secretary of State so that I can send him away to Japan." After X-rays another drive across town to visit the Orthopaedic Pediatrician. Conclusion, the injury was not castable but he must wear a brace and stay off of it for at least a week. They wouldn't prescribe crutches in fear that he would just fall off of those and injure himself worse. They suggested I send him to school in a stroller. They obviously don't know Atley very well. He fusses about everything he wears in an effort to impress his classmates. There is no way I am getting him to school in a baby stroller.
So, he is home today and I carry him most places or he crawls with his left foot draped over his right heel and every once in awhile Nash will try to jump on his back for a ride and chaos will ensue. Someday when they are raised with little families of their own, I may look back on this day and laugh. I am just afraid that a more likely scenario will be that they will be in the State Penitentiary and I will look back on this day and cry.
Last night when they were both finally asleep and I laid down to relax and to watch Dancing with the Stars, I had an anxiety attack when I remembered that in a month I would have another. If Nash's behavior was any indication of how he will react when he is not getting all the attention I am in serious trouble. Everyone says things like, "Oh, she will be so sweet and calm." But, she can't possibly be, and if she is, she will never survive a childhood in the same house as Atley and Nash.
The one shining moment in my long day was when Atley made the statement, "Wow, it sure is a good thing that Heavenly Father protects me or I would be dead already." Yeah, Atley it sure is a good thing!!