Tuesday, June 17, 2008


"Yes, Atley. We need more water. It hasn't rained nearly enough."

Staking his Claim!

No, Nash does not have his ear pierced. He just likes to put stickers on them!

More tornado warnings and crazy winds yesterday, sent us back down to our basement. The storm cleared up pretty quickly but we were out of power for another 12 hours. Our dark-hot house sent us outside to play in the puddles when the lightening stopped. Outside the boys only sustained minor injuries when Nash tripped and fell face first onto the sidewalk and Atley drove his big wheel into the hitch of our neighbors truck. It is really amazing that Nash still has teeth and that Atley's head is so hard that it can withstand a steel ball slamming into it at such high speeds. It is only by the grace of God that my boys survive each day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Melisa! I just love you!

I hope Atley and Nash can manage to survive their childhoods so that they can grow up and appreciate how awesome their mother is!