Well, it is finally over, but not until we managed to collect at least a year's supply of candy. Does this count as food storage? After the ward trunk-or-treat, a party at Atley's school, trick-or-treating at the mall, (yeah, that is what city kids do) and trick
-or-treating around the neighborhood, we all became very hyped up on sugar. We are currently in a downward spiral as our bodies attempt to return to some semblance of normalcy again. Please note the mound of treats obtained by the boys triple it and you will understand how much candy was consumed by our family this day! I have noticed myself returning to the traditions of my fathers as I participate in another parental conspiracy claiming the great need to check each piece of candy for razor blades or traces of cyanide before the kids can eat the pieces themselves. As a child I remember thinking how selfless and loving my parents were to risk their lives for me by tasting my candy first especially the chocolate pieces. I realize today that it was just a scam to get candy and I am now a willing participant in the same con. The boys had a great time in every aspect of the Halloween festivities. It was especially fun to trick-or-treat at our own home and find granny behind our door handing out candy.

I love that there holding hands that is so precious. Atley looks like a natural in his airplane pilot costume! Your boys are so cute and look identical to each other. I love your entires so funny- I agree on tasting there candy before they eat it too! :)
Ah yes the famous "checking the candy" ploy. We are very meticulous when going through the kids candy...seems like it's always the best chocolates (butterfinger, almond joy) that I deem unreliable and must "get rid of" heh heh. The boys look so cute in their costumes holding hands. :)
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