Last week while making our daily trek to preschool Atley says the following, "So, mom let's finalize my birthday plans." He really wanted a pool party but our pool temperature is still 65 degrees and I am not ready to take responsibility for ten 5 year olds in a pool that reaches depths of 10 feet. So, that option was out. Not to worry Atley came up with another plan without too much difficulty. Here are some pictures of Atley's 3 day birthday extravaganza!

It all began on Thursday the 21st, the day before Atley's actual birthday. First, shark inspired cupcakes had to be brought to all of his classmates and teachers at preschool!

After preschool he decided that I should take him to his favorite toy store in Alexandria and that we should then eat some ice cream by the river while we watched the boats.

That night he chose to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner! What can I say the kid has great taste! Although we are a little nervous about what he is going to ask for when he is sixteen, he is already breaking the bank! Do I need to mention that Nash also enjoyed Atley's Cheesecake Factory choice.

On Friday, the real birthday, Atley enjoyed a breakfast of left over cheesecake then headed to his last day of preschool where he enjoyed an ice cream party. Needless to say he was a little hyper when we put him in the car to head to Williamsburg and the Great Wolf Lodge. When we arrived at the hotel Atley knew just which room was ours, because of the birthday banner on the door.

The hotel room was great, complete with a kiddie kamp for the boys! We were happy that Nash only fell off the top bunk once and sustained only minor injuries. Atley and Nash would have been content just playing in their fort but the fun was just beginning!

Brithday Cake & Presents! Atley got a new bike from Granny and Nash enjoyed the birthday hat most of all!

Great Wolf Lodge has an incredible indoor water park. The boys had a blast Friday and Saturday playing in the wave pool, sliding on the slides, and just being wet.

Friday night there was a show in the lobby followed by story time for the kiddos. Saturday the boys designed their own CROCS (shoes) at the hotel and then we headed to Wal-Mart so that Atley could spend the birthday money that was burning a hole in his pocket. Thank you to everyone who helped make Atley's birthday so special and so memorable. We can't believe our baby is five year's old. This birthday was harder for me to handle than when I turned thirty. He is growing so fast. We love him so much and we pray that we can keep up with him!