Friday preschool ended and Atley's teacher gave us a compilation of Atley's artwork. When I looked at the first page which was a self-portrait Atley created the first week of school and I skipped to the last page which was a self portrait drawn the last week of school I couldn't help but smile. When Atley started school we could not get him to draw. He refused to color or paint or even use utensils. His pediatrician was as concerned as we were so she requested that he be tested for a developmental delay. After a summer of tests, or interviews as Atley called them, the results determined that Atley's Fine Motor Skills were significantly delayed and quoting from the report, "because of this individual's advanced intellectual development this delay in fine motor skills creates a significant educational disruption, causing extreme frustration and anger in the child when attempting to preform tasks with his hands and/or fingers." It was suggested that Atley undergo extensive occupational therapy in addition to creating an IEP or individualized education plan, which would follow him in a file throughout his educational career dubbing him as a special education student. Scott and I were hesitant to put this label on him at such a young age. What to do! I prayed a lot and finally, we decided to wait, forgo the occupational therapy and send him to a preschool that we felt good about. In April the doctor told me that he was no longer developmentally delayed but had in fact surpassed what was the "norm" for children his age. By the end of the school year he was voted the most artistic by his teachers. This is a child who wouldn't draw a circle in August. We are so proud of his improvements. We have made a shrine to his artwork and achievements in our basement. Good Job Buddy keep up the hard work!

Atley's Self-Portrait September 2008!

Atley's Self-Portrait May 2009!

Atley's Art Wall in Our Basement!
Wow! Way to go, Atley! Do you think 12 hours is too long for Charlotte to commute to preschool?
That is awesome! Sometimes moms know best.
Awesome job Atley! That is a great achievemnet- he just needed a little time to show of all his talents!
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