Tuesday night was Trunk or Treat at the church. Unfortunately, it was raining and the treating was done in the halls of the church instead of outside. My favorite costume was the man who dressed up like the H1N1 Virus. Because of our brief stint on the Activities Committee Atley and Nash always feel compelled to put away the chairs after an activity instead of running wild with their friends. It is pretty sweet even if their efforts are not always appreciated.

Thursday Granny flew in from Colorado. The boys were very excited to see her and I felt relieved to have some extra help with the kids and around the house. I have felt so awful the last few months because of the pregnancy that I have merely been in survival mode. Granny was a tremendous help and I feel more rested today than I have in at least 3 months. Thanks Granny!
Friday I was in charge of Atley's Kindergarten Halloween Party. A late bus put a damper on all the activities we had planned but the kids, (including Nash-notice the turtle tagging along) were able to parade around the track in their costumes and complete the skeleton craft I had planned before their teacher insisted they get back to their hard-core Kindergarten Curriculum.

Halloween was spent working in the yard. Poor Granny will probably never come back again! I assume she is having nightmares about piles of laundry and mountains of leaves attacking her while she sleeps. After the work was done we went to the mall for Trick or Treating. When we returned it was raining again and so Atley and Nash spent the evening handing out candy and critiquing every child's costume instead of braving the rain like the creepy little souls.

You have a really great mom I really love her. I have to admit that one thing I miss now that we've moved back is the special visits from family. Hope to see you guys soon!
Wow, you guys have a ton of leaves!!! looks like fun to play in but not to clean up :)
Cute pictures. Sorry that you're feeling nasty. Not fun.
Glad Granny got to visit you guys. And I'm sorry you're feeling like crap. That's no fun for sure, BUT just remember it's worth it in the long run. They boys sure are growing up fast! I think they need a little sister, don't you? :) Miss ya bunches. Shae
Man, you went all out with the costumes! Awesome, I want you to teach me how to make a skeleton out of noodles...cooooolll!
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