SPOILED! What more can I say! Atley's favorite part of Christmas, "Opening all those presents!" Nash's favorite part of Christmas, "Eating all those chocolate candies!"

Because we still had over a foot of snow on the ground Christmas Day, Granny's Christmas present to the boys wasn't fully enjoyed until the 27th, unfortunately Granny was also gone by then so she did not get to see the fruits of her labors. The 27th is when we could actually set up the trampoline and it was warm enough for them to enjoy it and of course enjoy it they did!

I am glad you guys had a good Christmas! Your boys are lucky to have such nice parents like you guys! When are you due?
I've got to get this surgery over and come visit. I miss you so much. The boys look like they are enjoying the trampoline and had a great Christmas in cold ole' DC
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