Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow DAY

Finally, the kid's prayers were answered. We got our first DUSTING of snow this morning. The boys were on a 2 hour delay from school but I let them stay home all day to enjoy the snow while it lasted.  They had tons of fun. BUT, isn't putting snow gear on kids one of the worst experiences you can live through?   It is so painful getting all five fingers in the right finger tunnels in a pair of gloves.  Pulling on and off snow boots should be an Olympic event.  Plus they become totally helpless when they are all bundled up and inevitably as soon as they are finally ready to venture into the great outdoors, then they have to pee.  Sorry to be so negative but I am still really cold and my snow pants were so tight that I popped a button while bending over to zip a coat. The snap popped off with such force that when it hit the wall I took cover because it sounded like we were being shot at. I am still recovering from the adrenaline rush or the humiliation, not sure which. I should probably just be thankful all my children still have their eyesight.

1 comment:

G&G said...

I think it was a year ago when we there and you had the snow fall. They do love playing in it.