Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Smoothie Factory

I do not like fruits or vegetables or anything remotely good for me. But, the older I get the more I realize that my body functions a whole lot better when it gets fruits and vegetables rather than just chocolate chips and Diet Coke.  One way I can stomach getting my daily allotment is if I drink them-in smoothie form.  Last week for Family Home Evening we created Smoothie Freezer packets to throw in the blender each morning. 
It wasn't fun for everyone as you can tell from the picture. The kids fought over which job they wanted, what fruit combinations to use and anything and everything else you can imagine,  but eventually we got them done and we now have about 30 days worth of smoothie packets in our freezer. 
Here is how to do it:
1. Trip to Costco to buy fruit, quart-sized freezer bags, and ginormous bag of greens.
2.  Add a variety of fruit to each bag. We used apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, raspberries and blueberries to create different combinations, some tasted better than others. I think a banana is almost a must for each smoothie bag. Remember it is an experiment.
3.  Add almonds and/or instant oatmeal
4. Fill the rest of the baggie with greens. We used kale.
5.  When blending you can either add water, milk, or yogurt to the mixture and if you need a little sweetening, like I always do, add a tablespoon of honey.
Each packet makes two large smoothies.
Our smoothies received Nash's stamp of approval. Trust me, he is the toughest food critic in town.

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