Monday, March 10, 2014

Pray for Spring

I'm failing.  Not only with keeping up on my blog but keeping up with my life.  My house is in a state of disaster, as is my car, my responsibilities at church, my kids and my mental state.  I am behind on everything and it isn't because I am over-booked or over-worked. I have had to restart the same load of laundry in my washing machine 4 times because I keep forgetting and the clothes get sour before I remember to put them in the dryer.  The only thing I am motivated to do is binge watch Gossip Girl and eat chocolate chip cookies. What is wrong with me? Never fear! I know exactly what the cure is. I need a healthy dose of Vitamin D, and I don't mean the kind from a glass of milk. I NEED SUNSHINE!  I need spring to get here in a hurry and I need this hellish winter to leave immediately.  Unfortunately, I have no control over the weather so be warned and aware that until I get a string of 70 degree days, you can expect very little of me in terms of production.  We have had 11 snow days this year and at least a dozen delayed starts.  Missing school or starting late is more the rule than the exception. We cannot get into a groove and it is getting old. I might have to sell a kidney to pay our heating bill if it doesn't warm up soon. Consider your self warned groundhog, if you see your  rodent shadow in Punxsutawney, PA next year I will murder you with my bare hands.  Here are some of our most recent snow pictures and if any of my Arizona or California friends even think that it looks like fun just go ahead and get in line behind your furry friend Phil because you are NEXT!
 (Can someone remind me of how miserably cold I have been all winter in July when I start complaining about the heat?)


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