Monday, August 10, 2009

Losing It!

I lose things. Yeah, I know everyone loses things sometimes, but I lose things often and they are usually important things. Let me give you a few examples. Please be informed that these are just recent losses and losses that were never recovered. I have lost my mom's credit card twice. I have lost my driver's license three times. I have lost my purse, lost my keys, and lost my car in a parking lot lately. (I did eventually find the car.) I have lost 8 pairs of sunglasses in the past two years. One pair being Dolce and Gabbana and a present for Valentine's Day. I lost the keys to my mom's four-wheeler. I lost a pair of shoes in Hawaii, a shirt in Florida, and two winter coats at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. But, that doesn't compare to the fact that I lost Atley's shoes while he was wearing them. No, I didn't mis-write. We were walking around Philadelphia in the middle of winter when I glance down and realize that my 4 year old is wearing no shoes. "Atley, where are your shoes?" "I don't know I guess I lost them somewhere while we were walking." Explain how that happens. I lose plane tickets, concert tickets, parking tickets, any kind of ticket imaginable. I've lost bills, birth certificates, passports, needles in haystacks. We have been band from renting movies from Block Buster and Netflicks. We have also been declared unfit by most local libraries because we lose the books or movies we check out. I lose money daily, but that is another story. We are constantly in search for the phone or the remote and even the children from time to time. And of course, I lost my mind a long time ago. But, the biggest loss came last week when I lost my husband's wedding ring. He accidentally left it at my mom's house and called to make sure that I brought it back with me. I tucked it in a safe place like I always do, the only problem is I lost the safe place. This is my real problem. I am really organized. I am of the philosophy "a place for everything and everything in its place." I just have a tendency to forget where the places with everything in it are located. Now if only I could find a place for this extra 10 pounds I'm carrying and lose it forever. I couldn't be so lucky.


Wendi said...

I think the loosing it comes with multiple children at home and demanding so much attention! I loose everything too!

Eric and Justine said...

You certainly have NOT lost the ability to put smiles on faces, I still love reading your blog.....Thanks :)