Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Bit Too Much

After dropping Atley off at preschool this morning Nash and I had to pick up a few things at K-Mart. As most grocery/big box stores do, K-Mart generally has carts made especially for kids. Everyone knows what I am talking about. They are usually shaped like a car and if for some reason there are none available while you are shopping these carts are the source of extreme agony, disappointment, and frustration for your child. Nash and I walk into K-Mart and fortunately there was one of the fancy kid carts waiting for Nash's shopping pleasure. However, this cart was nicer than usual. It was shaped like Thomas the train, but it also had pictures of Bob the Builder, and Barney along the sides. Nash could hardly contain his excitement. I open the door for him and he climbs inside for his shopping excursion.

Just as I am getting ready to shove off for a fun time of consumer spending at K-Mart, the greeter approaches me and says, "What show do you want him to watch?" My reply, "Huh?" Her reply, "His cart has a TV in it. What show do you want him to watch?" I look down and sure enough, there it is, a TV right next to him on the passenger side of his cart/train. The greeter then recites a long list of available programs for Nash to watch while I push him around the store. A program was decided on and we began our shopping adventure. Suddenly, I was startled when I looked down to see another small TV near the handle of my shopping cart playing commercials and enticing me to buy all kinds of items not previously on my list. Perhaps I don't get out much but have any of you been exposed to this high-tech shopping cart equipped with two TV's, cup holders, and kiddie-seats that actually recline?

I'm no prude. It isn't as if my kids weren't watching cartoons while eating breakfast this morning and it isn't like they didn't watch a Disney Movie in the car on the way to school, but do I really need them watching TV while we shop. This is CRAZY! The worst part is that I know the next time we go to K-Mart if the crazy TV/Train cart is not available, my life will become a nightmare and if the TV/Train cart is available I will have no other option but to allow my boys to sit in it, because I am way too nice to deny them that pleasure. But, I really wish I didn't have to make the choice of what television program my kids should watch while we grocery shop.


The Hasletts said...

I've never heard of such a thing. That's crazy. Good luck on the next trip. My kids fight over the car in Safeway that has no steering wheels any more. I can't imagine trying to slip into the store w/out having to use that cart. What have we become?!

The Anderson's said...

Okay, I must admit, that is over the top. I cant even manuever those carts through the store. I was so glad when my kids were too big to fit in them. I wont tell them there is now TV in them or they might just figure a way to get in them still! Brittin and I went and read all of your posts! Its so fun, I feel like I know your boys. Brittin was checking it today and was laughing I said what is Atley up to today, and she informed me it was Nash's day today! It just makes Washington DC not so far away after all!

The King Family said...

Goodness! I have never seen or heard anything like that. If we had those here I bet I could actually go shopping by myself with the two boys.

Roscoe and Daisy said...

That is sooo cool! Sorry but that is way high tech I haven't seen that cool of a cart/train here. Hey, if it entertains the kids so your shopping experience is more enjoyful I'm all for it! :)

Unknown said...

That is the craziest thing I have ever heard! I always try to steer clear of those car carts at the store because Tailia always breaks out and heads for the hills the second she gets the chance so then I am running like a crazy woman through the store chasing after her.

Marchant Family said...

Thanks for the culture shock heads up. Every time we come back to the States we are baffled at the new and hip things hitting our consumer heavy society. One time it was 'low carb' everything, including vitamins of all things!?!

Coming back from Beijing, I felt like I was driving a limousine when I pushed a regular 'ol shopping cart. It didn't squeak, the wheels weren't dragging strange things that had gotten stuck to them, I didn't have to throw my whole body weight into pushing or getting the cart to turn...amazing the things we take for granted! Here in Hanoi the grocery store near our house has mini-carts. I guess it's a good reminder not to buy too much because I 'schlep' it all home by myself (no place to park the car).