Monday, March 28, 2011

What are little boys made of...

Snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails-or something like that.  A couple of weeks ago, before Atley was grounded from his bicycle for taking off to try to find his tutor/5th grade crush's house, he discovered a snake.  No big deal! The boys find creatures all of the time.  You might remember the giant toad I found in their box of Hot Wheels cars, or maybe the turtle that lasted about two days.  The only problem with this discovery was that I was completely unaware of it.  You see, I was inside sewing, which I might add, requires my full concentration because I pretty much suck at it, meanwhile the boys were outside with their dad.  Atley came into the house very quietly. He came up the stairs very quietly and flung something at me very quietly. By the way, this quietness is very abnormal Atley behavior.  Now, I am not afraid of snakes, but since I did not hear approaching little boy feet I was very startled when something slimy, scaly, slithery, and cold seemingly fell out of the sky landing smack dab on the back of my neck.  Okay, I wasn't just a little startled I might have peed my pants. I do know that I screamed and tossed that snake as hard and as far as I could, much to the dismay of a six-year old on-looker.  I think a lesson was learned. I am just not exactly sure by whom!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my word! I would murder my husband if he ever let my boys do something like this. I hate snakes!! Please don't let this happen to me.