Friday, October 31, 2008

Anything to get more candy...

Well, it is finally over, but not until we managed to collect at least a year's supply of candy. Does this count as food storage? After the ward trunk-or-treat, a party at Atley's school, trick-or-treating at the mall, (yeah, that is what city kids do) and trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, we all became very hyped up on sugar. We are currently in a downward spiral as our bodies attempt to return to some semblance of normalcy again. Please note the mound of treats obtained by the boys triple it and you will understand how much candy was consumed by our family this day! I have noticed myself returning to the traditions of my fathers as I participate in another parental conspiracy claiming the great need to check each piece of candy for razor blades or traces of cyanide before the kids can eat the pieces themselves. As a child I remember thinking how selfless and loving my parents were to risk their lives for me by tasting my candy first especially the chocolate pieces. I realize today that it was just a scam to get candy and I am now a willing participant in the same con. The boys had a great time in every aspect of the Halloween festivities. It was especially fun to trick-or-treat at our own home and find granny behind our door handing out candy.

Ghosts from Halloween Past!

Nash's First Pumpkin-2007
Halloween 2007-The Crayon Brothers
Atley's first Pumpkin-2004! UMMM! Tasty!
Atley and his buddies in Arizona-Halloween 2006
Atley's first Halloween 2004.
The Pink Pig.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Watch Out Nash! Atley's comin' down!
Ready for the hayride.
Here piggie, piggie!
Daddy, Atley, & Nash, take a slide!
Farmer Nash takes a drink to the field!
Look at that form!
Atley the rock climber!
Feed my sheep!
Nash gives the camel some hay!

Saturday we took the boys to what I officially declare as the best pumpkin patch ever! It is in Leesburg, VA-about 30 miles from D.C. It is on somebody's farm and they are making the most out of the fall season by opening up to the public. First of all the fall foliage was amazing and the chilly overcast weather added to the ambiance. For $8 a person, Nash not included, everyone received a free pumpkin, all the apples and cider you could handle, a hay ride, an incredible petting zoo, and tons of amazing toys and tractors to play on. The best part was there was absolutely no supervision. None, of the super anal Washingtonians declaring how unsafe everything was-and trust me some of the stuff was a little unsafe. For example they had a home made slide shooting down the side of a hill, a make-shift rock wall, and a field where the children were let loose with all sorts of "domesticated" animals-like llamas, a baby Brahma bull, pigs, sheep, goats, some exotic deer, and a camel. It was a great day! Atley called it the best day of his life. (He has had a lot of those!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Favorite Day

I love Mondays! Wow, what a reversal from the way I felt when I was working or going to school. Mondays were the most dreaded day of the week. But, now Mondays are my special day with the boys. Atley doesn't have school on Mondays, and I try really hard to avoid any kind of appointments or scheduled activities on Mondays because I love spending the day at home with my little guys. It is my no pressure, low stress day. Sometimes we wear our pajamas until noon or sometimes we never get out of them. Sometimes we watch a movie and we always read lots of books and try to create something special in the kitchen or on paper. I know they like Mondays too. They enjoy the break from running around town. I also love having Family Home Evening. We never do anything extravagant but there is a rewarding feeling when we try to do what the prophet has asked of us. Last night we built a scarecrow and searched for fall leaves to make leaf fairies. The boys love Family Home Evening and I know I need to take pleasure in that because there will most likely come a time when getting them excited about FHE will be nearly impossible. Next year our Mondays will revert to the most dreaded day of the week because Atley will be in Kindergarten but until then I am going to love each of the 44 Mondays I have left.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Frost on the Pumpkin

You know it is officially fall when the kids start wearing costumes, you turn on your heater for the first time, you can see your breath when you go outside, you get to pull out the sweaters and jackets, the kids get their first snotty noses of the long flu season ahead, the leaves change into a polychromatic dream(polychromatic is my favorite word), and you wake up to frost on the pumpkins outside.
All of this happened to us this weekend so I feel that we are legitimately in the holiday season. I, of course, include Halloween in the holiday season. The boys had a great time at the park for our ward Trunk-or-Treat. It was fun to hear Nash say, "tick or teet" for the first time. Atley made himself physically sick eating candy but miraculously managed to hold it all down. The candy has all been hidden and found several times, but I am getting smarter with each new hiding place. We hope you enjoy our pictures of the Pilot and the Pumpkin!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vacation! No, Just a Trip!

I really need a vacation from vacation! Over Columbus Day weekend our family traveled to Colonial Williamsburg. We were so excited to see all of the museums and historical landmarks. And although we had fun, the trip was exhausting. The boys are too young to appreciate a tour of a 17th century mansion once occupied by Lord Dunmore, governor of colonial Virginia. Most of the trip was spent trying to make Naughty Nash Nice! (Like the alliteration) If you doubt me refer to the picture below of the pitiful child crying in his stroller. Despite a cranky baby we managed to see all of the sights we set out to see, including the Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Jamestown Settlement, and Yorktown. Of course we ended this trip the way that we try to end all of our vacations and that is with vomit. This time Scott threw up on our last day. So, if you ever travel to Yorktown watch for puddles in the parking lot. We hate to break family traditions by digesting our food properly while away from home.


Nash discusses politics with Patrick Henry!
We are serenaded at Chownings Tavern during dinner!
Atley tries to distract the fife and drum player!
Watch out for the horse poop!
"Yankee Doodle Keep It Up..."
Scott and Atley prompt Thomas Jefferson while he contemplates what to write in the Declaration of Independence!
Where he belongs most days!

Newport News Mariner's Museum

Aboard a lifeboat replica that once belonged to the Titanic!
"Warning: Do not attempt to shoot children out of cannon!"
Aboard the Civil War Battleship-Monitor!
Ring the Bell!
Is this what John McCain meant when he said, "...a steady hand at the tiller?"
CSS Virginia/Merrimack
Close Quarters!

Jamestown Settlement

Atley assists our tour guide by proudly holding an arrow for him!
The boys emerge from a Powhatan dwelling!
Atley helps make dear hide into clothing!
The Butler's aboard the Susan Constant. The ship that first arrived in Jamestown in 1607.
Atley takes a ride with Grandma, while Nash tries to escape from his hated stroller.


Our little patriot!
Atley finds his Thanksgiving turkey.
Exploring General Washington's encampment at Yorktown, October 1781.
Atley helps a colonists water her cabbages.
What hard working boys!


I am...a little paranoid. Okay, a lot paranoid.
I think...I should be doing something more constructive than blogging at this moment.
I mow the lawn this afternoon.
I shopping.
I mom.
I fear...germs, birds, and cancer.
I feel...thankful to be home with my children.
I hear...Atley talking about using glue and toilet paper to decorate the walls of his bedroom.
I new candle burning downstairs.
I crave...a Snickers bar.
I cry...when Lucy gives birth to Little Ricky on "I Love Lucy!"
I search...the Internet for bargain Christmas gifts for the boys.
I wonder...what I want to be when I grow up!
I regret...eating three Eggos for breakfast instead of one banana.
I wish...we could find a reliable babysitter every once in awhile so that I could go on a date with my husband.
I boys-Scott, Atley, and Nash.
I care...a lot about BYU Football!
I General Hospital.
I worry...about the health and safety of my family.
I am not...excited about making dinner tonight.
I remember...first meeting Scott outside the Sanford Church. I was 13. I think I knew then that he was the one!
I believe...that the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true.
I sing...all of the time!
I don't things that are good for me!
I write...lists because I love to be able to cross things off as I get them accomplished.
I win...the nasty stretch marks contest!
I lose...the bikini modeling contest!
I my IPOD everyday.
I don't understand...why Americans are probably going to elect Barack Obama.
I say my morning prayers.
I am happy...when I watch Scott playing with the boys!
I tag...Shae, Ginny, Aarin, April, & Cheryl

Picture Tag!

Rule- 4th Photo File on your computer & 4th Picture in that File
This is Nash's first swim, May 2007. He was five months old! What an angel he was then, and what a naughty little boy he is now. While in a museum over the weekend. I watched from a distance as he doubled-up both fists and walked up to a little girl, a total stranger, and punched her as hard as he could with both fists. I ran up to him and said, "Nashy, what are you doing?" Nash replied, "Punch, baby!"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The "Real" John McCain

Like most Americans we will be very glad when the election is finally over. I know one person who will be able to sleep easier, our oldest son Atley. We should probably stop watching the presidential debates in front of the children and we should definitely stop criticizing the candidates because Atley told his preschool teacher today that he was voting for Obama, but his parents were voting for McCain because they think Obama is a bad man. Then this afternoon I caught him in his room spewing some campaign rhetoric on his bed. I had to capture it on video, so I made him recite what I heard. If you need to mute my music scroll to the bottom where our black play list is located and press the pause button before you press play on the video. I want to make sure you get the full effect of "Little McCain's" comments.

Translation: "Washington's broken! John McCain knows it. I'm John McCain and I approved this message."