Friday, October 31, 2008
Anything to get more candy...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ready for the hayride.
Here piggie, piggie!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My Favorite Day
Monday, October 20, 2008
Frost on the Pumpkin
All of this happened to us this weekend so I feel that we are legitimately in the holiday season. I, of course, include Halloween in the holiday season. The boys had a great time at the park for our ward Trunk-or-Treat. It was fun to hear Nash say, "tick or teet" for the first time. Atley made himself physically sick eating candy but miraculously managed to hold it all down. The candy has all been hidden and found several times, but I am getting smarter with each new hiding place. We hope you enjoy our pictures of the Pilot and the Pumpkin!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Vacation! No, Just a Trip!
We are serenaded at Chownings Tavern during dinner!
Atley tries to distract the fife and drum player!
Watch out for the horse poop!
"Yankee Doodle Keep It Up..."
Scott and Atley prompt Thomas Jefferson while he contemplates what to write in the Declaration of Independence!
Where he belongs most days!
Jamestown Settlement
The boys emerge from a Powhatan dwelling!
Atley helps make dear hide into clothing!
The Butler's aboard the Susan Constant. The ship that first arrived in Jamestown in 1607.
Atley takes a ride with Grandma, while Nash tries to escape from his hated stroller.
I think...I should be doing something more constructive than blogging at this moment.
I mow the lawn this afternoon.
I shopping.
I mom.
I fear...germs, birds, and cancer.
I feel...thankful to be home with my children.
I hear...Atley talking about using glue and toilet paper to decorate the walls of his bedroom.
I new candle burning downstairs.
I crave...a Snickers bar.
I cry...when Lucy gives birth to Little Ricky on "I Love Lucy!"
I search...the Internet for bargain Christmas gifts for the boys.
I wonder...what I want to be when I grow up!
I regret...eating three Eggos for breakfast instead of one banana.
I wish...we could find a reliable babysitter every once in awhile so that I could go on a date with my husband.
I boys-Scott, Atley, and Nash.
I care...a lot about BYU Football!
I General Hospital.
I worry...about the health and safety of my family.
I am not...excited about making dinner tonight.
I remember...first meeting Scott outside the Sanford Church. I was 13. I think I knew then that he was the one!
I believe...that the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true.
I sing...all of the time!
I don't things that are good for me!
I write...lists because I love to be able to cross things off as I get them accomplished.
I win...the nasty stretch marks contest!
I lose...the bikini modeling contest!
I my IPOD everyday.
I don't understand...why Americans are probably going to elect Barack Obama.
I say my morning prayers.
I am happy...when I watch Scott playing with the boys!
I tag...Shae, Ginny, Aarin, April, & Cheryl
Picture Tag!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The "Real" John McCain
Like most Americans we will be very glad when the election is finally over. I know one person who will be able to sleep easier, our oldest son Atley. We should probably stop watching the presidential debates in front of the children and we should definitely stop criticizing the candidates because Atley told his preschool teacher today that he was voting for Obama, but his parents were voting for McCain because they think Obama is a bad man. Then this afternoon I caught him in his room spewing some campaign rhetoric on his bed. I had to capture it on video, so I made him recite what I heard. If you need to mute my music scroll to the bottom where our black play list is located and press the pause button before you press play on the video. I want to make sure you get the full effect of "Little McCain's" comments.
Translation: "Washington's broken! John McCain knows it. I'm John McCain and I approved this message."