Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Mean Irene was relatively nice when she visited our house.  Because we were on the left side of the hurricane we were just attacked with tons of rain and occasional gusts of very powerful wind.  The right side of the hurricane is where there is the most trouble, including tornadoes, thunderstorms, and increased flooding.  Yeah, we know a lot. We have become very well-versed in our natural disasters lately.  The rain and wind began about noon on Saturday and was completely gone by noon on Sunday.  We passed the time in the basement, where Atley was a nervous wreck and drove everyone crazy with his questions and anxiety. He kept saying, "I've never felt more alive." The next morning we found a very dirty pool and about half-a-million sticks and small limbs in our yard, but no damage.
We went for a ride to see how everyone else held up in the storm.  One of our neighbors had two large trees uprooted, one of which was lying in the road blocking one lane of the only entrance into our neighborhood.

Although we only lost power for about 30 seconds, there were many stoplights out all over town.
Of course, there was also a reporter on every corner.
We tried to make the most of our situation by burning a few of our sticks roasting wieners in the back yard.
Stay tuned next week where we expect pestilence and famine.

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