Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Learning to Ride

When there are only 700 people in your hometown, you have a lot more freedom than you do in the big city. The boys rode their bikes all over town and thought they were pretty big stuff when they were able to walk to the country store by themselves for treats. While biking and roaming the streets was really cool for an 8 & 5 year old boy, one of their favorite parts about Granny's is getting to ride the 4-Wheelers and the motorcycles.  Atley improved his riding skills this year while Nash learned to ride for the first time.  He did a great job UNTIL he had a horrendous wreck that sent him over the handlebars, over a barbed wire fence and into a pile of scrap metal. His shoes went flying and landed about 10 feet away from the scene of the crash. Even our neighbor from across the street, (aka my cousin Tyson) came running when he saw Nash flipping through the air like a rag doll. I am pretty sure the whole town heard me swearing as I watched the whole thing unfold in slow motion. Fortunately, or should I say miraculously, he hopped right up and exclaimed, "That was AWESOME!"
Cousin Clay giving Nash a quick lesson. 

He is off! 

We made an obstacle course for Atley. This was his first try. He knocked at least 6 seconds off his time by the end of the trip.

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